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General Gadget Excitement

Today I’ve been catching up with various “toys”:

RescueTime – added their data collector to another machine, so now I won’t have big gaps on the days where I work from home.

Time Machiner – sent various emails to myself in the future, and also to my husband for his birthday coming up. Haven’t sent one 5 years in the future yet, but I probably will soon.

Mint – finally sat down to take a long hard look at this product, to decide if it might be how I want to manage our household finances going forward. The idea that it is always in sync (unlike Microsoft Money) is very compelling. So far, because we are Bank of American customers in Washington State (where they merged with Seafirst but never really merged their systems) this has sucked for me so far. This isn’t Mint’s fault, of course, but highlights how hard it is to create a quick set up experience.

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