You might have noticed I have been posting as frequently here as in the past, and in part that’s because my attention has been diverted to writing posts for Seattle 2.0 as the events editor. Marcelo Calbucci, who runs Seattle 2.0, has brough together a team of contributors and we’re on a schedule to generate at least one new post a day for the Seattle 2.0 blog. In addition to this content, posts from Seattle tech blogs are aggregated in on the front page.
As the events editor it is my job to cover events taking place in the Seattle tech community, with a particular focus on startups. I go to events, write about what happened there, who I met, what I learned, and what an individual should expect to get out of the event. I also will be featuring various community organizers as they talk about the events they host; everything from how they plan to what their vision is for the future of the Seattle tech community.
Check out my first three posts:
- No Business Cards Allowed – October 9th
- Weekly Coffee Dates Help Fuel Eastside Startups – October 16th
- Planting Seeds with Six Hour Startup – October 17th
Of course, I’d love to receive feedback on how I can make my posts interesting and useful so if you want to reach me please leave a comment with a valid email address and we’ll talk.
Hi Danielle! Congratulations on the new job! great blog here! i love the pic and the setup! ~Laura
I love the “shaky” cam.