I just signed up for Crowdspring and look what they gave me:
What is Crowdspring
A place where creatives can sell their work for spec and buyers can submit a creative brief and quickly get a whole bunch of submissions to choose from.
I just signed up for Crowdspring and look what they gave me:
A place where creatives can sell their work for spec and buyers can submit a creative brief and quickly get a whole bunch of submissions to choose from.
Danielle, if you’re interested in this whole crowd sourcing space, I’d recommend checking out Genius Rocket (http://www.geniusrocket.com/info/). They do something similar. They’re based here in DC. I have gotten to know the entire team and they’re really really awesome folks. Plus they’re working hard to work with the folks that are a bit uncomfortable about spec work and see how they could make it better.
Cool thanks, I will check them out. I’m just beginning to discover this whole crowd sourced design thing but so far it seems pretty useful.