• Posts

    Google Reader is Shutting Down, Worst Day Ever

    Google Reader is my most beloved Google app and I thought they’d never shut it down. It is endlessly useful, I would pay for it, and now it is going to be gone.

    Yes, I know there are probably tons of alternatives, but I love my Google Reader setup exactly the way it is and I am pissed. I kind of want to stop using Gmail in protest… but where else is there to go.

    Read the post from Google for the full story, but the bottom line is that it will be gone July 1st.

    I’m just so sad right now, I’m just going to listen to this on repeat:

  • Posts

    Zombie Startups

    To get the full effect, press play on the track above and start reading.

    This post is a more in-depth commentary following our announcement yesterday that Referly will discontinue paying users cash rewards for generating purchases at the end of this month. Referly has pivoted and you can read more about our new direction here.

    My greatest fear as a startup founder isn’t to fail, it is to become a zombie startup. Kind of like in the 6th Sense when Bruce Willis doesn’t realize he is dead and tries to have a nice dinner with his wife, there are startups out there who are still “operating” but might as well not be.

    It can take a long time to die. I’m not going to name any names, but you could simply cross reference yclist.com with alexa.com, and any company that shows little to no growth in web traffic in the past year that claims to still be operating is probably a zombie. Yes, even companies that focus on mobile or enterprise sales should see healthy growth in web traffic at the early stage.

    With just the $150,000 each of my Y Combinator batchmates received last summer, many can continue to work on their company or change direction several times. It has been 6 months since Demo Day and I don’t think anyone has officially died. So I’ll say it. Referly died. It’s not the kind of dead where the website goes dark and everyone gets jobs somewhere else. But the idea that we started with turned out to be the wrong one, so we killed it and yesterday I acknowledged publicly to ourselves and everyone else that we have to change our course.

    Helpful Things Investors Say

    Over the summer when the seed market was hot and we were raising money pre Demo Day like gangbusters I seriously considered raising our Series A, or some kind of Series Seed style equity round. To feel out the situation, I spoke to some investors who had already put money into Referly and asked them what they needed to see from us in order to raise the equity round we were contemplating. I’ll never forget this feedback, which I will paraphrase since I didn’t write it down:

    “The biggest problem we see with early stage companies coming out of YC, or really any program, is that they’ll approach a year or two after they’ve graduated to raise a seed round. It’s exciting to see they’re still alive and pursuing their vision, but then we ask about the growth of the team and the ways they’ve been capturing the opportunity of the business in the time they’ve had… and discover everything is the same. The same 2 or 3 people, the exact same idea, very little growth around key metrics like engagement or revenue. So why should try raise a series A? What have they proved?”

    Ride or Die

    Sometimes I feel caught between two mindsets, one that encourages me to be a cockroach and survive no matter what and another that inspires me to overcome my fear of flying and take it to the next level circumstances be damned.

    The biggest reason to charge ahead is that I don’t want to waste a single moment of my life in denial, in deadlock, in zombie mode waiting for something I can’t control change or expecting magic to happen. It goes beyond not wanting to. I simply can’t, won’t, would never give up precious days, weeks, months, years. And it’s not that I don’t have endurance for the schlep, but I can only summon that super-human power to fight for the right thing.

    Referly Monthly Active Users

    I bet if you showed this graph to investors many would tell you your startup is doing GRRRRRRREAT! For a blogging platform (where we’red headed next) this is awesome – for an affiliate referrals site this doesn’t matter. It’s all about revenue, and it wasn’t climbing at a commensurate pace.

    Is Your Startup a Zombie

    How do you know if you startup is falling into this trap? Here are some hints:

    • You don’t want to get out of bed in the morning
    • You don’t want to go out in public for fear you’ll have to explain what you do
    • You haven’t hit 10% week-over-week growth on any meaningful metric (revenue, active users, etc)
    • You’re working on the same idea after 12+ months and still haven’t launched
    • You’ve launched a consumer service and have less than 2% week-over-week growth in signups
    • You’ve launched an enterprise service and have less than 2% week-over-week growth in revenue pipeline
    • You are the CEO and hole yourself up in the offices so you don’t have to talk to employees and can read TechCrunch
    • You’ve hired consultants to figure out revenue, culture, or product in a company of less than 10 people
    • You’re at SXSW right now reading this post and trying not to cry

    Update: I’m not saying you need to hit 10% growth every week, but you should have hit it at some point like launch or some other PR event.

    Turning Things Around

    Does any of this sound familiar? If so, don’t panic – you can fix this. The first thing you need to do is acknowledge the reality of your situation. From there, figuring out what to do next is a lot harder and a very personal and contextual decision, but you should embrace it with vigor. Don’t waste single moment of your life, or the time of those on your team, to begin plotting the next step. Paralyzed? Yeah, I know that feeling. Just plow through it, there really is no other solution. Along the way you may consume dozen of beers/shots with good friends over long circular discussions they tolerate because they love you. Do that, and then get back to work.

    I’m not an expert at figuring out what to do next, I mean I just changed course on an idea that took me 3 years to start and another year to prove didn’t work. But whatever… the point is that no one is going to tell you that your company is a zombie. Except me. Don’t waste your 20s, or 30s, or 40s being a zombie.

    Worst Case Scenario

    Flame out hard. That’s my only backup plan, because doing the silent fail is for boring. Failing is failing – do it up right!

    Zombie — Photo Credit: jamesrdoe on Flickr

  • Posts

    Best Tweets of Tonight’s Hacker News Outage Apocalypse

    Hacker News has been down for scheduled maintenance (which is running a bit longer than the Internet expected) for about 5 hours now, based on PG’s tweet:

    Apparently people couldn’t figure out how to wake up, drink coffee, eat, go to sleep, start work, not work, read or much of anything else because of the outage. On the brighter side, everyone seems to think developer productivity has increased. Here are some of the most interesting/amusing/sad tweets so far:

    The Overall Sentiment of the Internet

    And This

    OMG So Over

    Kind of Like Groundhog Day…

    Right Meow

    Not Sure This is How a Paradox Works, But Okay…

    Just Begging for Me to Say Something Inappropriate

    Ah, Now We Know Who Took Down the Site

    Got His Wish


  • Posts

    Solve the Problems Your Parents Have

    WTF is getting old, our generation wonders. I think ageism runs deep, especially among the tech set who assume older people must be Luddites and by extension lower life forms. I’m not joking, I know people who feel this way – and when was the last time you had a conversation with tech with someone over 50?

    When I was recently graduated from High School and working as a barista I did a lot of odd jobs to make extra money, and one of my favorites was helping people set up their computers and Internet and learn to use them. This is in 2004, and all my clients were in their late 40s and older. I was setting up Earthlink and AOL dial-up in 2004!

    This is a photo of my parents, but I can totally imagine it being a photo of any 20-something couple I know. Are they really so different from us? What can we learn from them? What problems would they pay to solve?

    When did “talk to customers” get substituted for “talk to people who are really similar to you”? Most of the people I know who claim to be talking to customers aren’t getting very far outside of their own demographic circles. Whenever I go home to visit my parents, which is every 2-3 months, I’m reminded that there is an entire world of people out there with problems vastly different from my own. My “first world problems” feel more like “person under 30 problems” when looked at through this lens.

    Your Parents Have Money

    Even parents of small means accumulate some amount of wealth (or debt) over time, so money management could be a real challenge, hassle, and source of stress for your parents. Combine this with the fact that they didn’t grow up using the computer, and you’ll find that even though there has been a lot of innovation in online banking, investment management, etc. it is very possible that they’re not using those tools.

    If your parents have accumulated some wealth, or if like mine they run a family business or consulting practice, then their taxes and estate planning are also complicated. You, 20-something engineer, probably haven’t written a will. But your parents have, and they worry about that alongside things like a mortgage that might be underwater since 2008, mounting repair costs for their home (leaky roof, sagging wall, etc). Your parents probably worry about so many things you aren’t even aware of – sometime you should ask them to write down a list of everything they worry about. You’ll be amazed.

    Your Mom is Going Back to Work After 18+ Years

    I was very fortunate to be raised by a Mom who choose full-time parenting as her profession, but now that my sister and I are out of the house she’s figuring out what to do next. In her case she’s taken an active role in the family business and gotten more serious about her equestrian hobby. But for many families the full-time Mom either gets bored or wants/needs to contribute financially. How is someone who hasn’t been in the workforce for 20 years going to find a job, build skills, and gain the confidence to put herself out there? What job should they even apply for? There is probably a huge opportunity to 1) employee these people in your company and tap into deep life and professional knowledge 2) create a content/jobs site devoted to the over-50 professional lifestyle, jobs, etc.

    Your Parents Have Kids (You)

    Most of the people I know don’t live near their parents, so communication is a challenge. My parents have tried using Facetime and Skype with me, but neither of those services really stuck and we reverted to mostly phone calls and occaisonally email (in the past couple years). To be clear, they’re not Luddites, its just not a satisfying way of staying connected. Often I wonder if services for couples like Pair and Avocado would be even cooler for me and my Mom and Dad.

    A Lot of Your Parents are Divorced or Widowed

    An unfortunate statistic, but many of you have parents who will enter their later years alone. One thing I think is missing in the world are tools to help people over 50 continue to date. I don’t think sites like Match.com or OkCupid are really catering to that demographic.

    Another thing I think is missing, or just starting to get addressed, is the need for skilled at-home care for the elderly who wish to avoid retirement homes. TenderTree, a company I mentored in a recent 500 Startups batch, is the beginning of this… and there is a land grab to come in lifestyle management and healthcare. Another great on is Eligible Web Services.

    Your Parents Are Approaching Retirement

    WTF is retirement, our generation usually asks. But it is very likely your parents have built their lives around the idea that in their mid-60s they’ll trade their full time jobs for a monthly social security check, and begin drawing on whatever retirement funds they’ve been setting aside. Most people grossly underestimate how much they will need to save in order to maintain their quality of living, so at this point there are two options: reduce spending or go back to work. The 60+ DIY community is incredible. Can you imagine what Etsy is going to be like when all the sellers using it right now are in their 60s?!

    Your Parents Have Health Conditions

    One unfortunate aspect of aging is that health conditions develop, or are exacerbated. From mild allergies to chronic conditions to memory loss, bone density loss, and on and on and on. Young people, with our invincible bodies and racing minds, struggle to grasp the frustration of losing aspects of youth. I think our parents feel old just talking about these things, but it bothers them and secretly worries their kids.

    Its not that I want to manage my parents’ lives, but I do wish they could live forever, so it would be great to see technology that changes the parent/child conversation around regular physicals, diet, exercise, etc. For parents with severe or terminal conditions (broken bone, major surgery, cancer) I think there is huge opportunity to improve the experience of treatment, advocacy, ongoing care, and ultimately hospice when the time comes.

    Your Parents Are Going to Die Someday

    I hate writing that subheader, but it is true. Beyond the logistics of health, travel, care, money, and everything else that goes into operating the day-to-day of life there is the emotional side of living and loving each other. Where do the memories go? How will technology change how we capture and store photographs for grandchildren who never see your parents. All those things they’ve saved over the years have so much meaning, but how will you deal with that when they’re gone. They worry about this long before they should, and Facebook has barely scratched the surface of dealing with death.

    I sometimes wonder that there aren’t more family legacy website (they do exist) storing all these keepsakes for future generations, providing private logins and access. I also wonder about the physical storage of keepsakes like an ancient wedding dress, photo of my great great grandfather shaking Henry Ford’s hand as he received the 9th Model T off the line, a gold watch (also a gift from Henry Ford) with a sweet engraving, my Grandfather’s partially written World War 2 memoir found on his Mac after his death, everything that smells like my Mom… and on and on and on.


    Someday You Will Be Like Your Parents

    Selfishly, I hope we can start solving these problems now so that by the time I’m in my 60s I’ll benefit not only from a ton of technology geared towards an older generation (which will probably happen anyway since all the people who are in their 20s building tech will age right along with me). But what I really want is for my own parents and their friends to benefit even more from the web and other tech in their own lifetimes. I might get more years with them and their years spent on Earth will be more enjoyable. That’s just good business.

    Being the “tech support guy/gal” in your family is actually a huge opportunity to observe all things that are broken, confusing, poorly marketed, and generally hinder adoption among our parents’ generation.

  • Daily Life,  Startups

    I Don’t Do That Job Anymore

    Something has changed, permanently, in me. I’ve been trying to figure out how to express it, because the transformation has been so interesting, unexpected, and meaningful to me. If you are a first time founder, or planning to be, this might resonate. I’d love to know if you’ve had a similar experience and what that was like.

    Jobs I Don’t Do Anymore

    These aren’t job titles, but roles I’ve played in the past that I no longer care to play. During YC (Summer 2012) I made a clean break from a lot of these things in order to totally focus on building Referly, and after letting those activities go for a few months I discovered something cool: I don’t want them back in my life at the same level of importance as before.

    Professional Extrovert

    For 3 years I was paid to be many things at Twilio, and one of them was what Mark Suster calls a “Conference Ho”. I’m not cynical about it, it was necessary and I made sure I was damn good at it. I did that job so that the three Twilio founders could completely focus on building the company, but I don’t do that job anymore.

    I don’t feel like being around people all the time, and never have. Friends who know me understand that there is a deep divide between my public face and my private life. People who don’t know me that well assume I am so transparent online that there couldn’t possibly be more below the surface. I was paid to be extroverted, and I loved it, but I don’t do that job anymore.

    Professional Hobbyist

    I love hackathons and always will, because they were the first place where I really felt the warm embrace of the hacker community. I came to developers I respected, hat in hand, and asked for help and advice and a safe place to ask stupid questions and I am so grateful. I didn’t have to worry about my code being elegant, and I only built little prototypes to demo the Twilio API for cool videos and live demos at conferences. Now I write code 50% or more of my time, and it has to work. So I don’t do that job (of being a professional hobbyist) anymore.

    Startup Mentor

    I sometimes thought I knew how to pick the startups that were winners, but as time passes and companies I referred to investors or invested in myself struggle, I realize I still have no idea. I could say that picking Twilio was my stroke of genius, but in truth it was a lot more of luck meeting preparation. I like mentoring founders, but more to help them with personal struggles than company struggles. Lately I’ve taken a big step back from mentoring and decided to double-down on people I already have relationships with. I don’t do that job anymore.

    Marketing “Guru”

    Twilio was the first place I ever had a marketing job. I’m not a marketing guru, and when Jeff hired me it was to do customer support and make blog posts and video. I told him we should put a reasonably senior job title on my business card so I could get meetings, so we did. I wasn’t really operating like a true Director-level person until probably the last year I was there. I was an avid student of marketing, and I wanted to earn that title and stop feeling like the business card was a lie. I achieved that, but I don’t do that job anymore.

    I’m Taking Me with Me

    When I say I don’t do these jobs anymore, it isn’t that I don’t take their lessons and skills with me. I carry them every day, to every conference, conversation, interview, coding session, morning walk, phone call, lunch with a founder, late night freak out. I loved those jobs, and when I did them I believe I did them well and gave them my all. But now I am learning to do new jobs, and I have new interests. I am passionate about making things – both with code and with prose. I’m either building Referly or using it to create content, and that’s all. I’m working on being a good CEO, good product person, and better developer.

    So if you’ve pinged me about stuff related to any of the jobs I don’t do anymore, and haven’t heard back, I hope you understand why. I don’t do that anymore.

    This blog post doesn’t really convey how strange it feels, to let go of things that were so important to me. Things I worked on and worried about and shaped my identity. But if I hold onto them and stay the same, and just get better at those things and lean on them then I know I won’t grow… so I’m putting them away for awhile. It kind of feels like breaking up, that’s the closest experience I can compare it to.

    This video kind of sounds like what it feels like:

  • Playlist,  Posts,  Startups,  Video

    I Am Not Waiting Anymore

    This post is part of a series called “Playlist” where I post songs I find meaningful in life and entrepreneurship. If you like this I hope you will check out the other posts.

    Yet another with less than 10,000 views on YouTube. If you like it spread the word.

    American Songwriter has a good piece on the meaning of the lyrics and backstory of the band. It’s the kind of writing Rolling Stone used to do. From the singer/songwriter Christopher Porterfield:

    “That’s me saying, ‘You know what, this is ridiculous. It’s time to get real, let’s do this. This being music,” says Porterfield of the aforementioned song. “That song was my personal revelation that if I wanted to try to be a songwriter and a musician that it’s really time to do that and to dedicate time and energy to that endeavor. It’s about the struggle of making art and about destroying things that are precious and it’s about coming to terms with who you are. It’s about being hungry while being patient but mostly giving into the hunger of it and just wanting something.”

    I am red in tooth and claw
    God’s favorite child, bloodied from the brawl
    And this bitterness was killing me all along
    I am not waiting anymore
    I am not waiting anymore

    Blowing through time like nickel slots
    In a windowless room, on a credit card
    flash it like a semaphore – a vague, drafty metaphor
    I am not waiting anymore

    I’ve been a keen eyed observer of the movements of concentric parts
    Of the bodies, of bones, and breasts and unmapped chambers of hearts

    And the sand in hand has been turned to glass
    Like a Jeroboam filled with a life that’s passed
    You can toss it off the balcony and listen for the crash
    I am not waiting anymore

    I spent eight long years working on my screenplay
    it’s a teen movie with young actresses that plays to the middle aged

    I have read between the lines
    I have been wrong every time
    It burned up on the alter, but I am fine
    I am not waiting anymore
    I am not waiting anymore
    I am not waiting anymore

  • Posts,  Startups

    Why I Won’t Be Using BetaPunch for User Testing

    Alternate Title: How NOT to Do Social Media for Your Startup

    This morning, I happily tweeted about the service UserTesting.com, which I’ve been using to get brutal but extremely helpful feedback on user experience at Referly.

    I love usertesting.com

    The Twitter account for user testing startup BetaPunch replied (see the full thread of tweets here), asking why we weren’t using their service instead.

    BetaPunch Beta Punch BetaPunch.com

    I replied that I was still annoyed (which I am) that they publicly tweeted links to the results of free usability tests they ran for us when we were trying out their product back in October (thankfully they agreed to delete the tweets at the time). After that, I felt like my privacy had been violated (and who really wants competitors, strangers, potential investors, etc. viewing user tests of their very early stage and admittedly confusing product) and we already were familiar with UserTesting.com so I decided to stick with them.

    BetaPunch.com Beta Punch BetaPunch

    I figured there was some very junior social media person manning the account and assumed the conversation would probably end there. But it didn’t, so we have a little social media case study in what not to do if you’re going to chase after your competitor’s customers.

    So, I won’t be using BetaPunch. They’re rude, don’t respect my privacy, and clearly don’t want me to be their customer anyway. Not sure how they missed “the customer’s always right” – but I’d settle for “don’t be mean to customers” in this case.

    I don’t need to be right, I just need to be right enough to want to pay you.

    What do you think, is it ungrateful to trial a freemium product and then not upgrade? Let me know what you think in the comments.

    And BetaPunch, you’re welcome for the traffic… enjoy the SEO, too.

  • Posts

    2012 Blogging Year in Review & 2013 Goals

    For those of you who might be visiting this blog for the first time, welcome. I’m a unpaid blogger (read: not a professional writer) living in San Francisco. I am cofounder and CEO of Referly alongside my husband Kevin. I write about whatever interests me. Usual topics include marketing tactics, personal productivity, things I’m learning as a first time CEO.

    This year I published on my personal blog, the Twilio company blog, as a guest writer on TechCrunch Europe, and launched DistributionHacks.com where I focused exclusively on tactics for marketing and growth. I also took a very active role doing content marketing through the Referly company blog and on my Referly profile (I am counting collections as blog posts… I think we might be slowly be morphing into a blogging platform – more on that soon).

    Blogging, by the Numbers

    • 41 posts with 200 or more pageviews
    • Averaged 3.5 posts per month
    • Just over 200,000 total pageviews
    • Averaged 3,760 pageviews per post

    Traffic on DanielleMorrill.com Since It Started

    My Top 10 Posts of 2012

    #10 – Introducing the Distribution Hacks Blog

    #9 – Who Owns the Website, and Why

    #8 – Why Advertising on Mobile Sucks, From the Marketer’s Perspective

    #7 – Got 99 Competitors and Bit.ly is One

    #6 – Starting Referly Took Me Three Years

    #5 – Post Startup Launch Checklist

    #4 – Accidental Startup Office Manager: Ordering Food

    #3 – How to Hustle SXSW for Fun and Profit

    #2 – The Best Advice My Dad Ever Gave Me (for Demo Day)

    #1 – Don’t Waste a Single Moment

    These ten posts generated 75% of my pageviews in 2012. The top 3 generated 37%. Here is the distribution curve for traffic.

    Goals for 2013

    Write About Amazing Startups Not Getting Press Coverage

    I know I’m not alone in my complaint that I wish tech publications covered a broader range of startups with interesting stories beyond funding and product launches. For those blogs it might not make sense, as long think or column pieces don’t always hit their mark and result in traffic. But since I don’t have to care much about traffic, I’m free to write whatever I want and take as long as I please.

    Consistently Publish at Least 2 Times a Week

    In 2012 I definitely published at least once a week on average, but my activity was spikey and inconsistent leaving readers wonder when the next piece would come out on Distribution Hacks for months (thanks for being patient with me). Accomplishing this goal might mean I actually need to make myself an editorial calendar, which I’ve been avoiding because it makes blogging feel like a job. But that might just be what it takes.

    Do More Funny Video Projects Like This With My Friends

    Experiment with Having Guest Authors Post on *My* Blogs

    I think it would be awesome to feature guest writers on Distribution Hacks, so I need to figure out how I want to approach people and get a bit more specific about the type of content the audience there expects. Guest posts are great because I can probably bring visibility to some awesome growth people who are just getting started with blogging. Are you one of them reading this? Contact me!

    Figure Out a Syndication Strategy

    Publishing across multiple sites it awesome because it let’s me segment audiences, reach new people, and explore different styles and topics. I expect I’ll be doing quite a bit more guest blogging in 2013, so figuring out a central place where people can subscribe to get everything is probably something I should work on. This is likely to be that site. This is the breakdown of where I’m generating pageviews this year:

    Finish Some of My 216 Draft Posts

    One good habit I’ve developed with blogging is to write whenever an idea strikes, even if I’m not sure if/when/whether I’ll ever publish. Now I’ve got 216 stub posts in various stages of completeness on this blog alone, with plenty of Google docs and other notes that might be worth finishing.

    Rankings for My Remaining Blog Posts

    Curious how my other posts did this year? Here are the other posts I made this year in order of pageviews:

    #11 – Must Read Blogs for Entrepreneurs

    #12 – Creating an Unfair Advantage

    #13 – The Little Signup Page That Could – A/B Testing Results Are In

    #14 – Growth Hacking Referly: New User Onboarding Workflow

    #15 – Go Ahead, Feed the Trolls

    #16 – Introducing Customer Acquisition as a Service: Referly API & Shopping by Categories

    #17 – Announcing “Recommend It” – The iPhone App for Product Photo Sharing

    #18 – Startup Office Snacks

    #19 – Why We Buy: Redesigning Referly to Focus on Experiences

    #20 – Referly Friends & Family Emails (aka Early Stage Investor Relations)

    #21 – Books for Entrepreneurs

    #22 – Finding a New Voice

    #23 – Import Your Pinterest Boards as Referly Collections

    #24 – Startup Metrics to Obsess Over

    #25 – Saying No

    #26 – 500 Details: The Process of Mentoring Startups

    #27 – Don’t Break the Chain

    #28 – YC Demo Day Prep Resources

    #29 – Angry Birds Halloween Costumes

    #30 – Referly + InternMatch Office Furniture

    #31 – How I Earned $34.91 with Referly

    #32 – Close the Loop on Your SXSW Campaign & Leads in 5 Steps

    #33 – Referly Goes Social – You Can Now Follow Profiles

    #34 – Introducing Referly Reviews: Hands-On Video Reviews of Products We Love

    #35 – Halloween Decor

    #36 – New and Improved Referly Website (Signup, Onboarding, Friending)

    #37 – Click Metrics: What Referly Reporting Looks Like

    #38 – Turning Recommendations from the Reddit Community Into a Store

    #39 – So Meta: My Startup is a Tool for Distribution Hackers

    #40 – Geek Girl Haul: The Corner Store

    #41 – My Favorite Drink: The Kir Imperial

  • Posts

    Call the Shots & Stop Being So Nice

    I gave a long rambling talk at Thinc Iowa.  So rambly in fact, that I was scared to watch it on video for a few months.

    Here’s the short version:

    • Stop being so nice
    • Gather the facts and judge people
    • Don’t be the no in your own life
    • If you don’t make decisions no one will
    • Inertia is death

    Don’t miss the part where I tell people to STOP DOING ALL THE THINGS and also the part (around 17:20) where I’m really honest about how women having the biggest problem with being too nice.