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    Building the Trick-or-Treat Hotline with Twilio

    We’ve got a contest going over at Twilio for the best Halloween inspired app, so I thought it would be fun to build my own (although I’m not eligible to win the contest – darn it!)

    If you call (206) 701-6291 you’ll be connected to my Halloween hotline, which is a very simple Twilio app I built using PHP in about 20 minutes while hanging out with my family leading up to Hallow’s Eve.

    In all, the app is probably about 100 lines of code divided across several files – you can read all about it and get the sample code to build your own hotline here.

  • Posts

    OMFG a Blog Post from Danielle!

    I have been working a ton and loving it, Kevin is now here and we had our 2 year wedding anniversary yesterday.  It was very low key because i had meeting until 8pm but we did walk a couple blocks to Chez Papa and when you have a good and reasonably priced French restaurant in the neighborhood it is perfect.

    When I say Kevin is here, I mean that he is in San Francisco WITH ME and we are sleeping in the same bed every night indefinitely… his Mom is out of the hospital (for the moment) and we’re trying to have a normal life based out of our little room in our little corner of Potrero Hill.  I’m writing this and thinking of all the people who are reading it and thinking “what – you say you’re so busy wbut how do you have time to write a blog post?”  Let me tell you, these posts these days are a one take deal (with the exception of correcting spelling errors) so I’ve got a ton of drafts on topics that need more thought before they can be posted.

    Tonight, though, was exciting because Kevin and I demo’d TOGETHER TweetToCall.com to the Twitter Developers Meetup Group down at Google in Mountain View.  I’ve never been a presenter before and I guess in a way this little product is a startup of its own, although it took us a total of 80 hours combined to build it over the course of the last week.  I managed to say “fuck” in the presentation which was live streaming on Ustream (yay!) and just so you know the context for that was that the use case for Tweettocall is that situation where you have all these direct messages going back and forth with someone on Twitter, and eventually you think “ah! just fucking call me!” because 140 characters aren’t enough.

    It was fun.  Also ran into Jason Preston, a familiar face from Seattle who is one of the organizers for the upcoming Twitter conference 140TC in Los Angeles, CA and I’m thinking we might launch TweetToCall officially at that event.

    I’ll be in Los Angeles most of next week for Internet Telephony Expo and I’d love to catch up with friends and connections who are in that area, it has been about 4 months since I’ve been in Southern Cal so it will be nice to catch up although I’m sure I won’t be able to pack everything into the 72 hours I’m there.  If you have any desire to connect definitely let me know.  Okay, I am literally falling asleep typing but Dad I know you read this I love you and I love all the people who I know I am neglecting for the sake of my singular passion for making cool stuff that people want to pay for.  I’ll see you all soon!

  • Posts

    Brian M. Westbrook – In Flight Safety

    My friend Brian is probably one of the funniest people I know, both on camera and off. In this video, he does an excellent job of showing us how to practice in flight safety on Alaska Airlines. Make sure to watch through the 2 minute mark, and see his excellent improvisation of the Alaska Airlines Visa sign-up. Love the wonderfully funemployed at Seattle SM Profiles for providing this video!!!

  • Posts

    From the Vault: “Inflatable Bling” Pitch at SocialMediaCamp 2009

    I was doing some “research” – actually I was surfing YouTube and got the genius idea of seeing if any of the half-baked games (this thing where you come up with crazy product pitch ideas and try to get people to vote on yours) were on video.  Imagine my surprise, when I found myself in the second result.  Mostly posting this here for myself (it’s got hardly any views).

    The idea was that you could blow up your engagement ring to as many carats as you needed.  We abused pretty much every “don’t do this in a pitch” rule we could, including having a skit AND having a child in it.  Yeah, fun.

  • Posts

    A Very Good Month for daniellemorrill.com

    March 2009 was a very good month for daniellemorrill.com, in fact it was the best month ever.  After a little experimental SEO “whoring” (yes, I said it) back in October I decided that I would work hard to drive traffic solely on being interesting and consistent about publishing content.  Well, it took me 5 months to surpass October’s volume but I finally did it.

    March 2009

    • 970 unique visits
    • 1,692 pageviews
    • 1.74 pages per visit

    Most Popular Content of All Time

    • Naughty America Direct in Beta
    • Is Landmark Forum a Cult?
    • Am I An Entpreneur?
    • Is This Narcissism or What?
    • Danielle Morrill is Getting Naked
  • Posts

    Going Mobile – China

    Although I see out-dated phone booths along the road every 250 feet or so here in Beijing, I’ve yet to see someone use one this week.

    The world here is mobile. Even on the subway and elevators, the cellular signal never dies. Even without 3G, Chinese take advantage of text messaging to power many services – from ordering movies to watch while stuck in traffic in the cab, to having food delivered to their homes. It is amazing.

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    Gnomedex: Really Amazing Speakers and Engaged Crowd

    So far, this conference has been great. I’ve met a really diverse crowd of people (and not just geeks either) and I’m pretty blown away by the level of really human connection. The audience has remained engaged, and the enthusiastic and passionate speakers are a great mix.

    How can you keep up with all that’s going on at Gnomedex?

    Gnomedex Schedule: http://www.gnomedex.com/schedule/

    Live streaming video: http://chris.pirillo.com/live/

    Chat: http://widget.meebo.com/mcr.swf?id=QanRtCQrXr

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    Rafe: My Partner in Crime

    Meet my son, a sweet and slightly neurotic 5 month old chocolate lab. He’s my companion whenever I’m in the downstairs of our house writing, reading, cooking, cleaning, and whatever else I do around here when I’m actually home (which hasn’t been that often lately).

    In this picture he’s just finished chewing up a huge poster mailing tube and seems surprised that I’ve discovered him.