• London,  Startup Index,  Startups

    What’s Saving Europe’s Startups?

    Originally published as a guest post on TechCrunch Europe.

    I’ve been in London for only a short period but I’ve already met with dozens of people from the various corners of the local start-up scene. It’s clear the ingredients necessary to build a thriving startup community are in place. Sparks are flying as companies form, events take place every night, and the promise of what’s been dubbed ‘Tech City’ and the more original ‘Silicon Roundabout’ takes shape. Still, it’s clear few major European success stories have emerged in the past few years to compare with Skype’s $2.6 billion exit to Ebay in 2005, leaving many people asking if European startups need something more to fan the flames.

    Perhaps hoping to do just that Prince Andrew, Duke of York, visited Clerkenwell’s White Bear Yardthis week to lead a roundtable discussion with several startup CEOs. Prince Andrew’s visit was part of a wider planned tour of East London, and the Prince was accompanied by Eric van der Kliej of United Kingdom Trade & Investment (UKTI), CEO of the ‘Tech City Investment Organisation’. The discussion primarily covered the challenges and needs of local startups, and founders were repeatedly asked, “What do you need? What is the fuel that will help take this self-sustaining community to the next level? How do we help you grow?”

    As YCombinator founder Paul Graham wrote in his recent essay Why Startups Hubs Work:

    “The problem is not that most towns kill startups. It’s that death is the default for startups, and most towns don’t save them. Instead of thinking of most places as being sprayed with startupicide, it’s more accurate to think of startups as all being poisoned, and a few places being sprayed with the antidote. Startups in other places are just doing what startups naturally do: fail. The real question is, what’s saving startups in places like Silicon Valley?”

    Graham’s essay identifies two fundamental requirements for successful startup hubs: a environment where being in a startup is the cool thing to do, and increased odds that startups will have a chance meeting with someone who can help them.

    Fostering a Culture of Success

    In the past 6 months, there has been an explosion of highly visible startup activity as exciting new companies launch, new coworking spaces open, new VC funds are raised, UK Trade & Investment champions Tech City, and companies raise some mammoth rounds of funding. It seems everywhere you turn there is a startup event taking place.

    Clockwise from left: Eileen Burbidge (Passion Capital), HRH Prince Andrew Duke of York, Stefan Glaenzer (Passion Capital), Robert Dighero (Passion Capital), Alistair Hill (OnDevice Research), Jason Trost (Smarkets), Victor Henning (Mendeley), Alexandra Chong (Luluvise), Tim Morgan (Picklive), James Gill (GoSquared)

    A few have been quick to point out to me that they don’t see how the royal family could possibly help tech entrepreneurs. However, could it be that Prince Andrew’s visit yesterday provides precisely the kind of high profile activity needed to take startups mainstream in London? Some might call this “success theater”, something Silicon Valley is expert at manufacturing, but might we also consider it good marketing?

    Bringing greater attention to what’s happening here in London sheds light on many stories yet to be told, both positive and negative, about a community that has been built organically by extremely dedicated community leaders determined to make this a desirable hub for startups and innovation.

    “If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that startups certainly aren’t one size fits all,” Prince Andrew said, after asking each entrepreneur what would increase their startup’s chances of success. Among the responses: more emphasis on computer science in schools, more readily available investment dollars for early stage companies, tax benefits for those struggling to build new ventures, and more attention paid by the media to what startups are doing.

    Instead of being regarded as strange for choosing the startup path, one participant remarked that is would be great to spread the message that working on startups is worthwhile and cool. “You are cool!” said Prince Andrew, “You are forward thinking, making something of life as it is today.” This sentiment of making the most of life as it is today resonates strongly with a speech Prime Minister David Cameron made early last week, calling on Britain to adopt and attitude of “can-do optimism” in the face of economic downturn.

    You’re Winning, Now Tell the World

    I’ve been asked to compare Silicon Valley to Silicon Roundabout more times than I can count over the past week. One thing that motivates me is reading about friend’s companies in the news. Silicon Valley tech press keep up a steady drumbeat of storytelling covering hundreds of startups and larger technology companies, fueled by a combination of PR, investigative journalism, and good old fashioned tips.

    People seem quick to refer to the echo chamber we enjoy in the Bay Area as something uniquely American, telling me that its not very British to brag about accomplishments and that it simply won’t work here. Isn’t this just a lot of noise, my new friends ask. Isn’t it true that many of these companies are fluffy, flighty, and ultimately fail? Well yes, but we’re okay with that.

    While the startup press may be a bit of an echo chamber, it is encouraging to read stories of other people like ourselves finding success. Even stories of grappling with challenges or facing failure are inspiring for the readers, and often cathartic for the company involved. If there is one thing can may be presumptuous enough to suggest London startups can learn from Silicon Valley companies, it is how to make sure the world knows when they’re winning, and to realize that they are telling these stories on behalf of the entire community. Whether its tipping off the tech press (tips@techcrunch.com) or self-publishing, companies who work to get their stories heard are the ones who get covered, and have the opportunity to provide inspiration.

    “The London tech scene needs heroes,” explained Tim Morgan, CEO of Picklive, a social gaming startup for sports fans. “When was the last time you heard of someone who made millions on options? We need people we can look up to.”

    Creating an echo chamber in the press isn’t just noise for its own sake. Startups who are written about in notable press outlets help project a more legitimate image for their businesses that helps close sales, land partnerships, and hire great employees. Not only does this help individual startups, it elevates the awareness and respectability of the startup community as a whole. This market is far from a zero sum game, one startup winning more doesn’t mean others are winning less… instead the story told to the broader mainstream audience ought to be that overall startups are winning, and more people should join in.

    Make Your Own Luck

    The second part of the criteria for startup hubs that work is increasing the odds that you’ll run into people that can help you. Please don’t be the hundredth person to tell me that this isn’t California and that it just doesn’t happen here. There are people all around you, every moment, who can help you. I’ve met them, they’re real and amazing warm, welcoming, and incredibly generous with their time.

    Graham’s essay continues:

    “Chance meetings produce miracles to compensate for the disasters that characteristically befall startups. In the Valley, terrible things happen to startups all the time, just like they do to startups everywhere. The reason startups are more likely to make it here is that great things happen to them too.”

    The luck startups need can be manufactured (or at least nurtured), just like the culture of success. If what we discussed before was “success theater” this second criteria requires startups to force density to increase the chances of running into someone who can help, by surrounding themselves with people who are pre-disposed to help startups. Companies are trading their home offices for coworking spaces where they can network with other teams, founders are trading their Wednesday at the pub for a technical meetup where they can recruit developers, and Tech City is working to foster a great density of startups and entrepreneurs in East London.

    The potentially uncomfortable corollary is that startups need to stop spending time with people who don’t believe that their dreams can ever be real, and replace them with people who are cheering for them and want their success as much as they do.

    There are incredible opportunities for startups in London, but it is up to founders and startup employees to leverage these resources to derive every possible benefit for their companies. For those of us serving and observing the market and figuring out how to enter it, we can help spread the stories and faciliate the introductions that make success and luck possible for everyone.

    Prince Andrew Visits the StylistPick Offices

    White Bear Yard Startup CEOs


    Photos courtesy of Siim Teller

  • Startups

    MG is now a VC

    It’s pretty cool to see today that MG Siegler (@parislemon) who most of us know as a writer on TechCrunch, has decided to make a career move toward venture capital by joining Michael Arrington’s CrunchFund.

    I think its great for MG and great for the future startups he will invest in, he will be able to provide them with unique insights on how to work with the press industry and much more.  He’s even speaking on how to work with the press in his talk at Future of Web Apps in London, a topic that is near and dear to my heart.  It also lead me to reflect on something a lot of people in the community have probably contemplated now and again – becoming an investor in startups ourselves.

    Considering the VC Route

    It is something that has come up for me several times, but there were a few meaningful moments where I truly thought I could see myself going to “the dark side”.  As it turns out, on the other “side” of the tech industry there is a young up-and-coming stable of investors who might be the next tier A financiers of startups, and the prospect of being part of that crowd is exciting.  Some of these people are younger than me!  This cast of rising stars really matters to startups, who look to venture capitalists for the cash infusions that can make their company’s possible and massive growth pre-revenue feasible.  I ultimately have chosen, a few times now, to stick with building companies (and I love the one I’m with) but the allure of helping startups who are worthy connect with the capital they need to grow is definitely exciting.

    The Persona of a VC is Changing

    In the past year, with the rise of “super angels” there has definitely been an increase in transparency around the process of getting investment.   Not only are VCs and angels more exposed than ever, but the entire ecosystem is becoming accessible, all the way up to the LPs and endowments that ultimately provide money to these funds and all the way down to AngelList where private individuals with access to capital for investments can connect with entrepreneurs seeking funds.

    I don’t think CrunchFund will be the last VC firm created that puts capital in the hands of web influencers who have great visibility into what’s being done in the land of startups.  In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised to see 2012 be the year that disrupting VC becomes a mainstream trend, whereas in 2011 it was something localized to Silicon Valley with Angel Gate and all that other noise.

    Putting Cash Into the Next Great Startup Story

    I’ve always thought begin a VC was very similar to being a producer of films, reading scripts and deciding what to make and what not to make.  In that same way, each startup pitch is a script to be read, each investment is a chance to put another great story into production.

    I hope MG enjoys the crystal ball, energy, and passion of the entrepreneurs behind the deals he looks at.  I can’t wait to see what he’ll choose to invest in, and how he’ll bring his unique talents and passions to help startups find success.

  • Travel

    London Bound

    The rumors are true, I wrapped the Twilio Conference last week and I’m off to London today for an extended business trip to explore the technology market in the UK and beyond.  I hired Twilio’s first international employee — the incomparable Stevie Graham — over a month ago, and now its time to get back to where it all began for me and do some hands-on developer evangelism of my own.  We’re also hiring for a 2nd developer evangelist in Europe, so if you are local and interested please let me know (this is a job for locals, not U.S. expats).

    Last night we kicked things off with all thing stereotypically British: Jane Austen, the Beatles, everyone’s favorite Austen Powers quotes, and of course warm beer.  My friend David also tolerated an impromptu dinner for 16 of us at his restaurant Triptych, where we sat on the patio and enjoyed being “loud Americans” for the night, complete with party games I haven’t played since I was a kid (MBF, Never Have I Ever, Truth or Dare).  It was quite a send off and I’m still recovering, but they tell me it is a good idea to break in my liver now.

    I have a whirlwind tour of events scheduled ranging throughout Western Europe, and some surprises too!  I am going to make every effort to blog frequently, share pictures, and voice my perspective on a startup community that is far by distance but ultimately shares the same goals (or so I assume).  I’m fortunate to have so many friends and acquaintances around the globe who are helping to make this trip possible on short notice and at reasonable cost, and I can’t wait to get started at The Future of Web Apps London starting on Monday.  Wish me luck!

    … Now if only I were packed!

  • Events,  Startups

    Hosting Office Hours Today 12pm – 2pm at L’Acajou

    I’m trying something new, hosting real-life in person office hours for 2 hours on Sundays that I am in town.  Our next meetup is today, in about an hour at my favorite cafe: L’Acajou Bakery and Cafe at 9th and Bryant.  Anyone is welcome to drop by, and we’ll either do a big round-robin format or 1-1 chunks of time depending on what people’s goals are.  There is great food and mimosas there, as well as wireless (if you pay for something).

    You can RSVP for the meetup here, and please join the group if you can’t make it this time so I can let you know about the next one!

    Stay tuned to hear how it goes.

  • Daily Life

    And Suddenly It Is August… Again

    For someone whose life revolves around the internet, you’d think I would update this website more regularly.  I keep looking at that phone purse entry and thinking, “oh that wasn’t that long ago” when in fact that was May, and this is August.  As usual, a ton has happened in the interim and I have lots of blog post stubs to prove it.

    What I’ve Been Up To

    • Fell in love with TurnTable.fm for music listening, sharing, and social discovery
    • Rented a beach house with a bunch of Kevin’s extended family and bonded with my new niece, Isabella
    • Became a ranked StarCraft II player (15 wins so far this season!)
    • Had the usual crazy-fun time at my parent’s house for the Fourth of July along with Meg and her boyfriend
    • Joined the board of advisors for Seth Blank’s startup Trove
    • Launched Twilio Client, an SDK that enables developers to build apps that make/receive calls directly in the browser (!)
    • A damn fine launch party in the coolest sequin covered dress ever!
    • Bought a whole bunch of Maggy London dresses on Amazon to “pivot” my style to a more grown up Mad Men inspired office glam
    • Had an epic night of karaoke courtesy of Roger Niner at Butter

    And of course… a soundtrack for my life…

    What’s Coming Next

    First, let me just say that having Twilio Client released for the world to see after 9 months is really awesome — it always gets unbearably hard to hold back talking about an awesome new product release and its nice to not have to worry about it being leaked anymore.  As for what is coming next from Twilio, there isn’t really much I can say… other than that our usual process is to release something and then focus on customer feedback and plan our next move based on what we learn.

    In other news, here are some of the upcoming activities and goals I’m looking forward to:

    • Figuring out how to put my hair into victory rolls
    • Celebrating our 4 year wedding anniversary with a trip to Hearst Castle
    • Figuring out what kind of shoes go with all these dresses
    • Adding the next round of improvements to one of my side projects, refer.ly
    • Getting re-leveled to the gold league in SCII and made even playing an IRL tournament
    • Folsom Street Fair is coming up in my neighborhood Sept 25th (link is NSFW)
    • Getting back into cooking
    • So much more…

    All in all, life is good and I think after this weekend I will be fully recovered from “launch mode”.

  • Posts

    Epic Phone Purse

    This incredible purse is a working telephone.  Huge thank you to my friend Chris Bennett from Callyo for finding it and purchasing it on my behalf in St.Pete.

    This will be a conversation piece for the rest of my life!  I’m also already thinking of how to mod it with a SIM card and Arduino so that it can be completely wireless and working.

  • Posts,  Startups,  The Future

    Doat.com aka Do@ is the Future of the Mobile Browser [TechCrunch Disrupt]

    Yesterday at TechCrunch Disrupt Day #1 I didn’t “get” Do@, and I think this was mostly because I was put off by the graffiti branding.  Not sure why, just a personal preference, but its amazing how powerful that first impression is.  Then, I found out Cathy Brooks is leading marketing there, which got my attention because she is a tough woman, great story teller, and super connected.  I just sat down after talking to their CTO and downloading and playing with the app, mind blown, to write this post in the back row.

    Disrupt is a strange event, because you can see the future of mobile search in one moment, and then walk into the room as an entrepreneur talks about getting kids to “do butt art”.  But I digress…

    UPDATE: What IS Do@?

    Do@ is an iPhone application that lets you search across publishers for content you care about in a mobile context. You enter something like “French” and it autocompletes with things like “French Food @ internet” or “French @ books”. When you select a result, you can horizontally scroll through pages of content to pick what you want. It’s like clicking through the top 10 Google results, except minus the clicking and plus the beautiful touch interface of the iPhone.

    What’s with the name “Do@”?

    I didn’t ask this, but I should have.  It’s impressive that the company landed a four letter domain name, so I wonder if they did that first and then tried to rationalize it with the branding.  My best guess is that the concept around the brand/name is that mobile search isn’t about consuming a lot of information, its about approaching “perfect information” or the right information for my context.  Something cool about mobile app usage is that it always happens in a place, and on smartphones the app can get this location data without even syncing something like Foursquare or Facebook Places.

    One other note on the name – it kind of reminds me of the SEO problems with “Ke$ha” (the music artist), but I’m an early adopter type and the general public might not care, or might actually dig it.  We’ll see.  It will certainly make it easy to completely own the search for “Do@”.

    Media Consumption Power Tools for Regular People

    What strikes me about Do@ is how easy it is to use.  Download, connect Facebook, do a search, done.  However, what done looks like is a dashboard as sophisticated as any home grown social media listening platform I’ve ever seen.  I immediately searched for Twilio and found tons of conversations, articles, and relevant tweets and Quora threads.  I can also “heart” searches that I want to do over and over again.  Setting up this kind of listening in my brand would be incredibly time consuming with a tool like Google Reader, but do@ does it in seconds.  I’m not sure this is the intended purpose, but I already know I’ll be using it as a media consumption and listening tool.  I really really hope they release an iPad app soon too – it could compete with my love for Flipboard!

    This is More Than Search, Its a Browser

    There’s no Firefox or Google Chrome for the iPhone, but Do@ made it into the AppStore.  I almost wonder if this is because Apple doesn’t even totally understand what it is yet.  This is an entirely new user experience model for a mobile browser, driven by intention, implied preferences through sharing, and location (I think?).

    When you use the app, it isn’t just displaying images of screens and then having you click through Safari.  You can load the content and interact with it inside the app.  This means Do@ is already building a huge data asset in engagement data which this can use to further refine results and improve the experience.

    No Cold Start Problem in Sight

    Ultimately, I fell in love with Do@ because I didn’t need to invite anyone to it to gets tons and tons of value in minutes.  By simply connecting Facebook, it learned enough about me to give me relevant results.  It has excellent search-as-you-type, so it tries to take a best guess at what I’m looking for based on both my explicitly stated interests and implicit interests it gleans from the content I share on Facebook.


    Robert Scoble covered Do@ yesterday on his blog, and I’m dieing to read the post and watch this video.  For now, I’ll post it here for your enjoyment:

  • Posts

    Tips for Your 60 Second TechCrunch Disrupt Demo

    Live TV : Ustream

    In less than an hour, teams from the TechCrunch Disrupt hackathon will begin presenting their apps and they will have just 60 seconds each to make the judges (and audience) fall in love with what they’ve built.  There are several outcomes to optimize for during your presentation, but the two that stand out to me are:

    1. Win the hackathon by impressing the judges
    2. Win public interest and get the crowd excited about your app (a la GroupMe last year)

    You can try going for both, but my personal opinion is that public interest trumps the opinion of a few judges who’ve only had 60 seconds to evaluate.  With a little hustle, you can set yourself up to optimize success.  If you’re product sucks, no amount of hustling will save you, but if you’re looking to tip the scales favorably in your direction this could be the key.

    Know the Judges

    I haven’t found them listed on the Disrupt hackathon website, but a few have already tweeted that they’re on the way to judge.  Look up their profile, follow them, read their bio page (if they have one, most VCs do)

    Pre-Seed the Audience with Your Product

    Start giving away beta access to people now, create a Twitter account for your app, and jump into conversations and get feedback.  If you have a small but vocal group of fans cheering for you after you demo that’s a little more social proof, and the judges will notice.

    Use Technical Difficulties as Free Time to Vamp

    It’s likely some of the demos will be plagued with technical difficulties: a Mac that finally decides to give up after having its CPU pushed to the limit all night, a broken cable, a missing dongle, a screen with some screwed up resolution.  You can protect against some of this by asking to quickly connect your computer to the monitor you’ll be using to present ahead of time, just to be sure, but the odds are something unexpected will go wrong when you’re not expecting it.  Instead of getting pissed or flustered, use that time to crack a joke, show some of your personality, and show that you can be calm under pressure.

    Don’t Waste Precious Seconds on How You Built It

    The judges and audience (unless they ask explicitly) probably don’t care about what you used to make this happen, so don’t waste precious seconds taking about your technology stack.  Unless of course its Twilio, in which case I’d like to know so I can write about you!

    Use the Last 5 Seconds to Create Warm Fuzzies

    As you’re about to be kicked of the stage remember to be gregarious:

    • thank your team
    • thank the organizer
    • shoutout to any special people who helped you
    • let us all know where/how we can connect with you (your Twitter name, app URL etc.)

    Draw the Fucking Owl

    Hopefully you’ve been doing this for the past 24 hours, good luck teams!

  • Playlist,  Posts

    Sweet Disposition

    Sweet Disposition – The Temper Trap

    sweet disposition
    never too soon
    oh reckless abandon
    like no one’s
    watching you

    a moment, a love
    a dream, a laugh
    a kiss, a cry
    our rights, our wrongs
    a moment, a love
    a dream, a laugh
    a moment, a love
    a dream, a laugh

    just stay there
    cause i’ll be comin over
    and while our bloods still young
    it’s so young
    it runs
    and we won’t stop til it’s over
    won’t stop to surrender

    songs of desperation
    I played them for you
    a moment, a love
    a dream, a laugh
    a kiss, a cry
    our rights, our wrongs
    a moment, a love
    a dream, a laugh
    a moment, a love
    a dream, a laugh

    just stay there
    cause i’ll be comin over
    and while our bloods still young
    it’s so young
    it runs
    and we won’t stop til it’s over
    won’t stop to surrender

    a moment, a love
    a dream, a laugh
    a kiss, a cry
    our rights, our wrongs (won’t stop til it’s over)
    a moment, a love
    a dream, a laugh
    a kiss, a cry
    our rights, our wrongs(won’t stop til it’s over)
    a moment, a love
    a dream, a laugh
    a kiss, a cry
    our rights, our wrongs (won’t stop til it’s over)
    a moment, a love
    a dream, a laugh
    a moment, a love
    a moment, a love (won’t stop to surrender)

  • Posts,  Startups

    500 Startups Demo Day – We Are #500Strong

    I’m here at 500 Startups to hear Dave McClure, “founding partner and overlord” of the seed fund and incubator here.  As a mentor in residence advising a handful of these companies, I’m excited to see them on stage and showing off what they’ve been working on.  We’ve got  a packed house!  I’ve put these companies in here in alphabetical order, this wasn’t the order in which they were presented (not sure why that would matter).

    955 Dreams

    The team wasn’t here, but we enjoyed a video from them of their History of Jazz iPad app


    “A lot of you are checking your email on your phones, so I imagine its gonna be big someday”

    Push notifications to my phone allow me to quickly reply to messages that need my immediate attention.  Keeping the high signal to noise ratio in his inbox.  Jared and the team have lots of enterprise experience, and their solution is different — it isn’t in just gmail, but also in Exchange, because that’s where business customers are living in their email.

    The goal is to have 2 or 3 messages remain in your inbox each day.  You can’t expect people to change their behavoir, you have to make it easier.  There are a lot of add-ons like Xobni that give you more data about the people sending you messages, but they don’t help with the issue of processing your messages.  We’ve added intelligence that wasn’t available even 6 months ago… semantics, sentiment analysis, machine learning, user history, calendar integration.

    Lot’s of users are using it at $100/month, they are making $1000s/month.  Google “outlook vs. gmail” – the article they wrote is the first result.  They’ve raised $400K and would like to raise another $350K.


    “For the record, that was not water” says the cofounder, as he throws back a drink and starts his pitch.

    Let’s call this “The Tale of Two VCs” – comparing the email styles of Brad Feld and Fred Wilson.  Baydin built The Email Game and the service is live, it gamifies working through your messages to make it fun to focus on cranking through your email.  If you’ve received an email from me this week it is highly likely you noticed their little “Excuse the brevity, I’m trying to win the Email Game” in the footer.

    While everyone is telling you email is dead, 180 Million hours will be spent in email inboxes in America this year.

    The company recently closed their seed round in an Uber car, as seen on TechCrunch


    Disclaimer from the presenter: The info on their website is out of date, they’re now doing something different.  They had a network of 10,000 Facebook pages and a user footprint of around 40 Million.  Things were looking good, and then they got a cease and desist from Facebook Newsfeed team… about 6 weeks ago. “If Facebook can’t monetize the newsfeed yet, neither can we”.

    They have a new service where you can automatically follow your friends, get a ranked feed of videos your friends have watched, and you can queue or hide videos to watch.  You can also pair with your TV from your computer!  So you can search for the next thing you want to watch on your laptop, before pushing it to your TV.  You can also take control of other screens.  Its much better to use your laptop as smart remote, rather than turning your TV into a computer with a wireless mouse and keyboard.

    This completely describes the pain point I have with my current setup at home by the way, and I WANT THIS.

    They’d like to raise $1 Million to build out their consumer product.


    Data driven parenting services.  They believe that connected devices and tailored online content can help parents.  Modern Moms want to be connected to their families, but technology can sometimes make people feel disconnected when it comes to using that technology with babies.

    There is a ton of content out there, but it is really generic.  Is my baby crying more than normal?  We but a device in the babies room running Evoz software, it could be an iPhone.  This is an infinite range baby monitor… so you can listen in from wherever.  You can also set to get notifications.  Mom’s also can get a dashboard, and see how your baby compares to babies of the same age or the same region.  Quantify the problem, and then offer really targeted services like sleep consultants to parents and caregivers, or tailor other markets.

    They launched their closed beta yesterday – they had 1300 signups but only took 20 people.  They already have purchase orders from companies in US and Canada.  Check out the Evoz write up on TechCrunch

    Raising $600K seed round, about 50% committed from 500 Startups, David Shen Ventures and Charles Forman

    InternMatch – Andrew Macguire, Founder & CEO

    They’re passionate about helping college students find their first internship, and helping companies showcase why they’re a great place to work, with a simple digital marketplace.

    Employers spend over $7 Billion on interns each year, they’re not just free/cheap labor, which is a common misconception.  Since 1992, the % of college students entering the workforce with internship experience has increased 800%.  Finding an internship is a painful process for students, it is slow.

    They showed some classic “hockey stick” graphs, and in March application submissions doubled over the previous month (from 800 to 1600).  The company just launched an enterprise product called the “Community Page” which allows companies to publish what its like to really work for them, to break down.

    They’re currently raising $400k and have about half committed.  You can find them on Angel List.

    Motion Math

    Not yet presented…



    myGengo – presented by a 1-take video (based in Japan)

    Global online translation market with an API that allows you to plug in human translation into any platform.  They’ve built open source plugins for popular CMS services like WordPress, and are partnered with high volume ecommerce and content production sites.

    10,000,000 units translated, and revenue generating from the start.  Their team is SUPER international.

    They’ve raised $1.5 Million so far, from 12 angels representing 9 nationalities.

    Ninua – Waleed Abdulla, Founder

    On the publisher side, their product Networked Blogs has 1.7 Million users and 700,000 blogs – and they are helping bloggers get their content onto Twitter and Facebook.  But what about the user?  What are the important factors for a good reading experience?  Three pillars: mainstream, blogs, friends.

    “Ninua Newsreader is a beautiful, social newsreader, in your pants.”  They are competing with Flipboard and Pulse, but those services don’t let me filter content via my friends.  Ninua shows you your friends, and you can follow the ones who share your interests for news.  You can also see which publications friends are following, and follow those publications directly.

    They are a team of 4 engineers and one designer.  They are raising $500K.  While he was talking 25 new users signed up.


    “So in the spirit of full disclosure, I’m imagining you all naked right now.  And I’m dedicating this to Alexia (from TechCrunch), who has deemed us the least interesting startup she’s ever seen.”

    iPhone and Android app to make loyalty punch cards digital.  They started out by going to the marketing manager at Cal Poly, and they tested the product out at Peet’s Coffee and Jamba Juice in their local stores.  It turns out college students are a perfect demographic, everyone has a smartphone, they spend their parent’s money to eat out, and no one can cook.

    They then had 7 universities approach them – representing 200,000 who can get free stuff through the app.  This was all done with word of mouth, they have 35 stores and 3 colleges are using the service. 7,000 punches have been pushed through the system in the past 4 months – “this is our obligatory  up and to the right graph”


    Punchd App Promo from Punchd on Vimeo.


    Not yet presented…


    Rewardli – George Favvas, Cofounder & CEO

    Smaller businesses don’t have the same buying power to get discounts that larger companies get.  However, SMB owners are networked and could band together to buy things and collectively join forces to drive down prices.  When you sign up, you get connected with other people in your network to create a buying group and your buying power is determined by your personal and group buying power.

    Rewardlii can save the average SMB $10,000 a year, and they have more than 50 participating vendors including major brands like Staples, Dell, and Expedia.

    “We’ve already made $100 in revenue using the product ourselves… and we’re looking to make… more.” {{chuckles}}

    “Buying power in your pants”

    They’re currently funded by 500 Startups and Real Ventures, and they are looking to raise $500k – half of which is already committed.


    The worlds smartest voice response and analysis platform.  “The use cases are vast, but our price model is simple.  Our gross margin is about 85%”.  Last year they supported $250,000 in sales.

    Simple one hour (actually, 2 minutes) setup – you tell the system who you want to talk to, and the people you want to talk to, as well as the criteria you want to have analyzed.

    They already have Comcast as a paying trial customer, and they want to raise money to help them service pilot customers… roughly $250-$750K.  Currently has Jeff Lawson (CEO of Twilio), Sid Wiswanathan (founder of Cardmunch), and Andrew Tang (VP Operations at Comcast) are advisors.

    Social Stork – Joel Auge, Founder & CEO

    Ummm… he just sang his pitch – apparently this guy was a finalist on Canadian Idol.

    “100% of Facebook users ARE or HAVE a Mom, so that’s huge”

    Before he was a Dad, he was making social games at HitGrab and basically invented consumable social goods on Facebook.  They distribute content into the Chinese market, and the Facebook Fund gave them a $250K grant.  That business is monetized in 186 countries (“Stop Slacking!” says a heckler).

    And then… his daughter was born.  Mom’s are super proud of their babies, but there is literally no tool to capture what moms are doing — they’re producing tons of capacity.  I don’t have boobs (“small ones” says another heckler, “they’re bigger than mine” – go Hermione!).

    Scrapbooking takes too long and a lot of moms aren’t crafty.  Social Stork lets you share the events that happen in the babies life, and sharing is gamified.  They are going to take the moms they already have on their other game platform, and they will

    They are raising $250K (even though the founder is millionaire) and he wants smart money who can provide resources and mentorship.

    SpeakerGram – Sam Rosen @Sir

    Sam is from New York – East Coast!

    Think of the service a bit like OpenTable for event speakers.  Speakers have WAY too much email, but they hardly can get to all of it so they miss opportunities.  The U.S. conference industry is $150 Million – and 8% of that is spent on speakers.

    Sam went to Foursquare, who primarily use a PR agency to manage Dennis Crowley’s speaking gigs, and convinced them to use the service.  They cut down their email engagement for speaking gigs by 50%, and have closed 99 engagements in the past 90 days.  What they’ve realized in the past few months building this product, is that there are still so many inefficiencies in the marketplace.  Just as speakers have challenges with speaker opps, organizers are also getting bombarded with requests from PR agents and speakers.  A lovely two sided market, ripe for a marketplace (see a trend here?)

    The team is a great combination of hackers and hustlers.  They are raising $500K and have 50% of that money committed from investors like Dave Tisch, Alexis O’Hanian, Jason Finger (Seamless Web), and Jay Weintraub (organizer of Leadscon and an awesome guy!).  You can SpeakerGram on Angel List.

    Spoondate – Raissa B. Nebie, Cofounder & CEO

    “Next up is actually not a bro, it’s a wo!” – Dave McClure

    Meet and eat with people you should know – food dates!  They realized this goes far beyond dating.  The founder was an investment banker until 2008, when she left to follow her passion for food, she even went to culinary school.  People love to gather around food, and 78% of adults consider restaurant dining a valuable use of their social time.

    Spoondate was built with women in mind, think if it as a pre-emptive checkin, people can say what they want to do and invite you to join them.  Group dinner bookings have a 25% margin!

    They are currently fundraising to round out their team, so if you are a food loving investor please talk to us.



    “Nothing converts better than live phone calls”

    A/B testing framework for live outbound phone calls.  Shows the business owner what is and isn’t working, so they can improve their call scripts and move on.  There are hundreds of plugins that can be created to combine with existing workflow.  Revenue model is very simple, per minute per agent pricing.

    Won “Best Business Model” Award at the Launch conference

    They are are looking to raise $300 – $500K to round out the team and reach profitability with their first 100 customers.

    Wednesdays – Cofounders Andy Chen & Hugh Olliphant (PayPal mafia)

    They are a platform for connecting people over lunch, and helping them coordinate membership.  Anyone can build their own lunch club, and they can coordinate connecting people.  Imagine a case where a manager wants 300 employees in a large company to connect for a meal – but she wants to break the meals into various small groups to make sure people are meeting new people and that there are employees at various levels.  AND she wants to make sure these lunches take place on a regular basis.

    There is also a way for groups to make money using the platform… not totally clear how that worked, will have to find it later.

    They are looking for pilot groups and are raising a small amount of funding now, and you can find Wednesdays on Angel List.  Follow them on Twitter @wednesdayslunch


    YongoPal – Darien Brown, CEO & Cofounder

    Probably the bravest guy in the room, he got up and told us about he cried in the presentation earlier today at the end of his pitch and that we might have that to look forward to.  Or, he might pee.  Okay… so onwards to the company!

    The service is designed to help people learn language from one another by sharing their day-to-day lives.  People in Asia want to be able to use their English language skills with native English speakers.  When they first arrived, they built a product that they thought worked using live video.  They made the assumption that video was the next best thing to talking in person, but as it turned out it was high friction.  However, American users were signing up because they were curious and genuinely wanted to connect with their foreign peers.

    They decided to pivot the product and reduce the friction while increasing engagement – via mobile.  They set up a test to take these existing behavoirs, and use them in a new and interesting way.  They set up daily guided prompts between people they paired up to learn from each other, creating a private window into another person’s life through daily photo missions.  The opportunity to use mobile photo sharing for English language learning is huge – and they’re going after the entire continent.

    They are raising a small seed round right now, and looking to raise a larger round in 4-6 months.




    Most of the companies here are listed on Angel List, so if you’re and investor and interested check them out there.  I’ll try to link to every resource I can find about them for you, and many of their presentations will be online.