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    Goodbye Whrrl, Hello World

    Goodbye Whrrl and Pelago – thank you for all the memories, fun times, incredible product vision, introduction to Linux, mySQL, Mac everything, Jimmy John’s, call centers, and nerf guns as office supplies.  My time at Pelago, captured in pictures…

    Whrrl v2.0 Alpha Launch Party

    Pelago Christmas Party 2008 – Karaoke!

    Re-branding Whrrl – the Pinwheel

    Gnomedex 2008

    Gnomedex 2008 Opening Party – Maryam Scoble and Danielle Morrill (CC) Brian Solis, www.briansolis.com and bub.blicio.us.

    Moving into WAMU tower

    my first NERF gun

    Onward now, to my next adventure

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    Wantrepreneur? Just DO something.

    Funny, the little themes that keep coming back. Last night I asked Chris Pirillo how he got started streaming video, and he said “I just did it”. I nodded, and felt a little sheepish for asking a question with such an obvious answer. Tonight, Brad Feld of TechStars sent the same message in his talk about entrepreneurship – a war cry, and call to action, to JUST DO IT. Rebecca Lovell, Executive Director of NWEN, and others echoed that sentiment when asked what was the most memorable part of tonight’s event.

    Brad Feld – cofounder of Tech Stars – “Do Stuff!” from Seattle20 on Vimeo.

    This advice isn’t really that surprising, and some might even say it is a tired old adage. Tired or not, it has found particular resonance with me while I’m between “jobs” and contemplating the possibility of starting something of my own. It’s like that book you pick up at just the right time in life, or the song that comes on the radio that captures your mood perfectly.

    To be continued… defnitely needs to be more discussion around WHAT to do.

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    Time for Danielle 2.0

    Today is my first day working for myself and no longer for Pelago/Whrrl. So far, I’ve gotten some interesting website development work (go WordPress!) for a few individuals and one company, some great ideas for media/content generation, and opportunities to plan events. Things aren’t feeling as bleak as they might given the current condition of the economy. When I tell people I quit my job amongst massive uncertainty their responses are very telling and polarized. Either they say “congratulations” or “I’m sorry”. It’s always an interesting conversation to bring them around to my way of thinking.

    Now I get to begin the journey of starting my own company, Social Kind, and figuring out how I want to spend my self-employed time. Before I jump crazily headlong into several exciting projects I’m working on getting my personal life, specifically all finances and little details that I’ve been neglecting in the past few months, in order.

    I guess I could call this period Danielle 2.0, a time for me to re-invent myself not as the face of Whrrl but as my own brand and business. And you, dear reader, will have the pleasure (and sometimes pain) of following along as I chronicle how things go here on my own personal soapbox – this blog.

    Last Weekend – Broadcasting Live at Seattle Startup Weekend 2

    I’ve been intrigued by live streaming video for a few months now, as you can see if you’ve been following the Random Danielle Show. Last weekend I broadcasted live from Startup Weekend with a pre-presentation show co-hosted with Josh Maher (of Lunch 2.0), and a recording  of each of the new startups as they launched. The following and buzz was surprising, and I’ve realized there might be interesting live event coverage from Seattle 2.0 on a regular basis.

    Last Night – Broadcasting Live at Twestival

    On that note, I gave it a try last night with a live stream from Twestival Seattle with my friend Brian Westbrook as a co-host. Although the event was less structured and content loaded than Seattle Startup Weekend 2, we still attracted over 100 unique viewers through the broadcast. I’m looking forward to making video content (blogging, live streaming, etc.) a more regular part of my activity online, and will be looking for ways to make it pay.

    Imagine if I could make a living doing what I love: producing, creating, and editing video content (among other things)! More to come.

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    Going Mobile – China

    Although I see out-dated phone booths along the road every 250 feet or so here in Beijing, I’ve yet to see someone use one this week.

    The world here is mobile. Even on the subway and elevators, the cellular signal never dies. Even without 3G, Chinese take advantage of text messaging to power many services – from ordering movies to watch while stuck in traffic in the cab, to having food delivered to their homes. It is amazing.

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    Let Me Upgrade You!

    Hello 2009! I’m already loving this year. Why, you ask? Because today the “startup car” was retired and returned to my mother in law and I learned how to drive a manual transmission.  Why?  Oh baby – I’m driving the Audi now!!

    Check out this commercial for my car (i love these doggies so BONUS):

    And maybe this is what I’ll be doing tomorrow unless this snow melts:

    The inspiration for the title of this blog post (Beyonce is great live):

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    “If” by Rudyard Kipling

    I’m working on my New Years resolutions – and yes, this is my favorite holiday.  For now, I’ll leave you with a poem I like to read when reflecting on the kind of person I’d like to be.

    IF by Rudyard Kipling

    If you can keep your head when all about you
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
    If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
    But make allowance for their doubting too;
    If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
    Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
    Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
    And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

    If you can dream – and not make dreams your master;
    If you can think – and not make thoughts your aim;
    If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
    And treat those two impostors just the same;
    If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
    Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
    And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

    If you can make one heap of all your winnings
    And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
    And lose, and start again at your beginnings
    And never breathe a word about your loss;
    If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
    To serve your turn long after they are gone,
    And so hold on when there is nothing in you
    Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

    If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
    ‘ Or walk with Kings – nor lose the common touch,
    if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
    If all men count with you, but none too much;
    If you can fill the unforgiving minute
    With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
    Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
    And – which is more – you’ll be a Man, my son!

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    MostRecent.net Soft Launch – Community Driven News Portals

    As a member of the Seattle Tech Startups mailing list, I received the word from Ian on the list that he was ready for us to give it a try. I’ve created a page to track Mobile Social Network news, and spent 20 minutes getting it started. To get an idea of how this works, watch the quick demo video on their homepage.

    Thoughts & Suggestions

    1. Without RSS this page I have just created will not remain current for more than an hour – at best. I wish I could provide a feed URL (such as a Google search of blogs for the term “mobile social network”) to feed into the page in order to keep it current.
    2. Once I have added component to the page, it appears impossible to delete it.  Update: I figured out how to do this, there is a button called “Archive” after you double-click on something.  Took me trial-and-error to figure out what this meant.
    3. If I go back and then forward again, all the changes I’ve made are lost. That’s painful (I just did this on accident).  They have a note at the bottom of the page which I didn’t even notice – maybe that should be front and center.  Better yet, don’t flush the data so soon – you probably want to hang onto aborted sessions of contribution anyway for metrics purposes.
    4. When I add a news story link, such as the link from TechCrunch, it seems like it would be nice to have a little Ajax lookup of the URL that grabs the meta data (author name, title, date posted, blog name) so that I wouldn’t have to enter all that as text.  Structured data is gold.
    5. I’m primarily a keyboard user (avoid the mouse whenever possible) and the tab order did not include the “Save” buttons, so I had to use my mouse frequently.
    6. I’m not clear on how I can get my friends to subscribe to this page, so that they will hear about updates when I add to the page.
    7. I was unable to add more than one link to the 3rd (far right) resources box – seems like a bug.

    Fundamentally, I am unclear on how this is better than a feedreader + forum combination for managing a community that is interested in a specific topic.  That being said, I know this is a soft launch so I can only imagine there is a more feature-rich version of the service in the works.  I can see promise in this, as a feedreader-style landing page that is public.