Recommended Books

This is a list of the books, essays, blog posts, articles, podcasts, etc. that have had an outsized impact on my thinking in life and business. I am trying to figure out a good way to organize this, right now it is just a tiny part of my collection but definitely a set of books that I find myself suggesting to people over and over again.





Business Processes



Cleopatra: A Life by Stacy Schiff (2011)

Artificial Intelligence

Talking Machines – Human Conversation About Machine Learning

On My Reading “To Do” List

Yes, I know I really need to read these. That’s why they are on here. I’ve been adding suggestions I get on Twitter and elsewhere to keep tabs on these, and you can tweet to me @DanielleMorrill to add more ideas. I’m particularly interested in reading about AI and becoming a better CEO right now.

5 thoughts on “Recommended Books

  1. Danielle – we’re attempting to create a standardized platform for book suggestions called bookmarq. A more reader to reader oriented, prettier goodreads 🙂 . Could we seed this data and “create you a profile” as an “influencer”?

    Thank you!

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